Photos of Jordan: Wadi Rum

[This blog post is from 2011.]

The night is still, the sun has set, the stars are twinkling above. My friend and I leave the handful of people still awake and venture out into the silent desert. We are staying in a campsite in Wadi Rum, a 720-square kilometre desert in southern Jordan that has sandstone and granite mountains rising from the soft sand, some reaching over 1,700 metres high.

Our walk takes us to the edge of where we can still see the lights from our camp and no further. A desert patrolman drives over when his headlights catch us, just to make sure we aren’t lost. We wave him off. This is exactly where we want to be.

Jordan book recommendations: Lonely Planet Jordan, The Rough Guide to Jordan, Insight Guides Jordan, and Greater Than a Tourist – Wadi Rum Jordan: 50 Travel Tips from a Local.*

* The above links are to Amazon and are for your reference. I receive a small referral fee if you buy from Amazon. But I encourage you to buy books from any retailer, ideally your local bookstore!


Photos of Jordan: the Eastern Desert Castles


Photos of Petra, Jordan